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Best Michigan Inpatient Drug Rehabs

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Michigan Residential Inpatient Drug Rehabs Addiction Treatment / Advancement to Recovery Pathway

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At Wellness & Recovery Michigan inpatient drug rehabs Battle Creek, we believe that there is not one cookie cutter approach to help all people.

Thus, we provide different types of evidenced-based therapeutic interventions to support people from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life. Paramount to the therapies that we offer is our commitment to providing a healthy healing atmosphere of trust, respect, safety, support, thoughtfulness, and mutual collaboration.

Best Michigan Inpatient Drug Rehab Battle Creek Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Our Michigan inpatient drug rehabs Battle Creek provides cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is supported in research literature as an effective, evidence-based treatment for individuals with problematic substance use. The focus of the CBT is on helping people replace unhelpful thinking patterns and risk behaviors that undermining recovery efforts, with thinking and behavioral patterns that support and sustain recovery.

CBT is grounded on the premise that individuals continually interpret and respond to information perceived from their internal and external environments. Individuals develop representations of their environments in the form of thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. These representations can affect how individuals feel and behave. When these representations of the environment are inaccurate or unhelpful, CBT is a helpful tool to examine, challenge, and modify maladaptive perceptions, support the development of helpful thinking patterns, and can ultimately lead to feeling better about one’s self and making healthy life choices.

Best Michigan Inpatient Drug Rehabs Battle Creek Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a structured and evidence-based therapy program that includes both individual and group therapy components to help you build specific skills including:

  • Mindfulness, or being fully aware and focused on the present moment, paying attention to your inner and outer experiences instead of dwelling on the past or worry about the future.
  • Emotion regulation, or becoming more aware and able to control your emotions in healthy and meaningful ways.
  • Distress tolerance, meaning you will gain a better understanding of how to manage strong or difficult emotions, during stressful situations while keeping yourself safe without engaging in harmful behaviors.
  • Interpersonal effectiveness; which means gaining skills in managing relationships through use of effective communication and setting boundaries, while maintaining respect for yourself and others.
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Michigan Inpatient Drug Rehabs Individual Therapy

Throughout your stay with Wellness & Recovery Michigan inpatient drug rehabs, you will be able to meet individually with an experienced licensed therapist for 1:1 counseling sessions to focus on your personal wellness and recovery journey.

Individual therapy sessions are offered at a minimum, once per week; however, the number and frequency of your individual sessions may vary based on what is needed to support your personal growth and healing.

The benefits of individual therapy sessions include exploring and processing difficult and painful emotions such as guilt, anxiety, depression and experiences of trauma or loss, to help you build self-esteem, have an increased awareness of yourself and others as well as strategies to avoid risky behaviors associated with problematic substance use, and identify healthier ways of interacting with yourself and others.

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Best Michigan Inpatient Drug Rehabs Battle Creek Group Therapy

Our Michigan inpatient drug rehabs Battle Creek counseling staff knows according to researchers, due to the social nature of human beings, group therapy is an important aspect in recovery. Group therapy provides rewarding and therapeutic benefits such as affiliation, support and peer confrontation and these properties enable patients to bond with a culture of recovery.

People who struggle with substance use are more likely to stay sober and committed to abstinence because of the healing power inherent in group therapy which fosters healthy attachments, provides positive peer reinforcement, acts as a forum for self-expression, and offers a learning environment to build new social skills.

Inpatient Drug Rehabs Michigan Family Therapy

When you are ready to include your family or support persons, family therapy can be a very effective modality to gain insight and knowledge into addiction and how it affects families and social networks.

Family members will have the opportunity to learn strategies of how to support a person in recovery as well as what to expect in treatment and afterwards including, the recognition of relapse warning signs and how to manage them.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

MET is a time-limited, or brief therapy model designed to increase internal motivation and readiness for change while supporting an individual’s engagement and commitment in treatment.

MET focuses on helping patients identify and process discrepancies between their goals, values, and actual behavior, monitor their readiness for change and affirm an one’s freedom of choice. Using MET, individuals can come to terms with their problematic use of substances and uncover their own inner strength to commit to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma and substance use disorders often go hand and hand with each other and trauma can also result in or from problematic substance use. Two people can experience the same traumatic event in different ways depending on various factors such as genetics, life experiences, current or ongoing stressors, and other factors. Therefore, it is important to address trauma in the context of one’s treatment and recovery.

Trauma informed therapeutic care can be integrated into group or individual treatment and it is also an overarching organizational approach in which our providers are trained to recognize the lasting effects of trauma, and avoid re-traumatization during the healing process, to support patient growth and goals.

According to researchers, addressing trauma in a confidential and supportive environment can help the person in recovery address the obstacle of trauma, and move forward in their recovery journey.

Art and Activity Therapy

According to researchers, the purpose of art and activity therapies are to assist in the improvement of cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual functioning. Therefore, art and activity therapy are included in the daily schedule to expose patients to new ways of expressing themselves and promote healthy leisurely activities to include in their lifestyles after discharging from the program.

Equine Therapy

A growing trend in mental health is to include animals in the therapeutic context to support patient wellbeing. At Wellness & Recovery Rehab, patients will be offered the opportunity to engage in equine therapy, once per week. Equine therapy incorporates horses; therapeutically, to support the development of skills such as emotional regulation, self-confidence, and responsibility.

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12-step Groups

The general framework of contemporary 12-step programs is to provide a source of peer-based mutual support as well as guidelines and principles to help individuals sustain their recovery efforts, avoid triggers and lead healthier lifestyles.