If you or someone you care about is battling substance misuse, know that support is available. At Wellness and Recovery, you’ll find a welcoming community committed to guiding you on your path to lasting healing.
Breaking free from addiction requires more than just willpower—it takes the right environment, dedicated support, and a chance to focus completely on your recovery.
At Wellness and Recovery, our inpatient drug rehab program creates a home-like sanctuary where real transformation can begin.
Away from daily pressures and triggers, you’ll find the space, structure, and support needed to build a stronger foundation to change your life.
When you’re searching for inpatient drug rehab, you’re seeking a place to heal, grow, and rediscover yourself. Our residential program combines medical expertise with genuine understanding, creating an environment where recovery is achievable.
Addiction doesn’t define you. Your recovery starts with our full continuum of care.
Inpatient drug rehab is a structured, supportive treatment program designed for individuals struggling with substance use who need a safe and focused environment to heal.
In our boutique inpatient drug rehab, individuals receive 24/7 medical care, a 10:1 client ratio, group counseling, and evidence-based therapies tailored to their unique needs.
This level of care is ideal for those facing severe addiction, relapse risks, or challenges that make recovery difficult in their daily environment.
By removing distractions and providing a strong support system, inpatient drug rehab helps individuals build a solid foundation for long-term recovery and a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Inpatient drug rehab is beneficial when you or someone you love requires:
Whatever your challenges are, we’re here to help you overcome them:
Long-term use of painkillers like oxycodone or hydrocodone can quickly spiral into dependency. An inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center offers a carefully monitored environment to help manage the discomfort of withdrawal and lay the foundation for lasting recovery.
Even though it’s legal, alcohol can be incredibly destructive when misused. For some, checking into inpatient substance abuse treatment is the most effective way to break the cycle of heavy drinking and prevent immediate relapse.
Cravings for stimulants like cocaine or amphetamines can feel unrelenting. Inpatient drug rehab ensures daily oversight, which can minimize relapse risks and address the emotional highs and lows that often accompany stimulant misuse.
Medications such as Xanax and Klonopin require careful tapering to avoid dangerous withdrawal effects. Round-the-clock care in inpatient rehab for drugs gives peace of mind and professional guidance throughout the withdrawal phase.
We also support individuals detoxing from marijuana, Dilaudid, codeine, ketamine, PCP, tramadol, and Vicodin. From inhalants to synthetic drugs, our inpatient drug rehab center tailors treatment to each individual.
Addiction often walks hand in hand with mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, or trauma.
By addressing both at the same time, inpatient drug rehab helps people build healthier coping mechanisms that reduce the urge to self-medicate.
Here’s how we help you achieve whole-person recovery:
When it comes to recovery, the key is a daily routine that feels like a reset, not a restriction.
Structure creates stability, but inpatient rehab shouldn’t feel institutional. At Wellness and Recovery, each day is thoughtfully designed to help you heal, rebuild, and reconnect with yourself—all within a comfortable, home-like environment.
Instead of rigid schedules and hospital-like routines, we offer a personalized experience that balances professional care, personal reflection, and holistic healing.
Throughout the day, you will experience:
Your comfort is our priority. We offer private bedroom and bathroom options—each one with a private deck overlooking the water.
You’ll begin the day with:
To close your day, we encourage:
Recovery should feel like a journey back to yourself, not just a series of checkboxes.
Graduation from an inpatient drug rehab program is a milestone, not the finish line. We offer a full continuum of care to help sustain your progress.
This could mean:
A step-down option that maintains structure while transitioning to everyday responsibilities.
Ongoing gatherings (like 12-step or alternative models) that promote accountability and shared wisdom.
Some people benefit from living in a drug- and alcohol-free community home before fully reintegrating into independent living.
Continued one-on-one sessions to handle any fresh challenges that surface in the weeks or months after leaving residential care.
We understand that navigating insurance coverage for treatment can be complex. While Wellness and Recovery is not currently in-network with any insurance providers, our dedicated admissions team is here to support you in exploring all available options to access the care you need.
How we can help:
Don’t let insurance concerns prevent you from seeking the help you deserve. Contact our admissions team today for a confidential discussion about your insurance coverage and payment options. We’re here to guide you through the process and help you begin your journey to recovery.
Connect with our admissions team now to discuss your insurance and payment options.
Don’t settle when it comes to your recovery. With Wellness and Recovery, you can experience:
If you’ve hit a wall with outpatient methods or self-managed attempts to quit, it may be time to consider inpatient rehab for drugs. The journey is challenging, but you don’t have to walk it alone.
With 24-hour care, structured therapy, and a supportive community, inpatient treatment offers the safety net needed to embark on genuine, long-lasting recovery.