At Wellness and Recovery, we provide both one-on-one and group therapy to support holistic healing.
An individualized treatment plan consists of our team sitting down with you to find out what brought you in for treatment and what you are looking to achieve from recovery. Then, we work with you to develop goals that will help us support you in reaching your desired outcomes from the program.
Individualized treatment plans are carefully tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Our professionally trained staff and providers will work to determine how each of us can support you in achieving your goals.
Treatment plans will vary from patient to patient, because the path to recovery is ultimately a journey of personal growth.
Our multidisciplinary team will monitor your progress in treatment by conducting daily assessments of your sleep, appetite, clarity of thought, judgement, and your interactions with others.
Periodically, our treatment team providers will meet with you to find out how you think you are doing in the program and address any barriers or concerns that may arise during treatment so that we can help make sure you are set up for success following discharge.
We use several different evidence-based self-report questionnaires to help inform us of what we can do to help you stay on track.
Individual therapy is one-on-one counseling sessions between you and a therapist to discuss any personal issues or concerns you feel would be more adequately processed in a safe and private setting.
Individual therapy is useful because it can help reinforce skills learned during groups. It can also help you prepare for navigating potential difficulties you may encounter after discharge.
Individual therapy can also be used as a catalyst for change – it help you and your loved ones have a better understanding of how to support each other through the process of recovery.
Group therapy is an integral part of a recovery program that helps people learn and grow in ways that are healthy and creative. Attendance is highly encouraged for you to succeed in reaching your goals.
There are several different types of group therapy offered daily, including groups that focus specifically on interpersonal relationships, emotional regulation, managing crisis, trauma recovery, anger management, healthy lifestyles, and more.
Our skilled, professional, and licensed therapists are knowledgeable of different therapeutic approaches to implement in group therapy sessions.
These models of therapy are trauma informed, including motivational enhancement therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and more.
Continuous psychiatric monitoring of every individual will also be overseen by our professional psychiatric providers on a regular basis during their entire stay.
Also, we may include the following into group therapy sessions: